vendredi 8 octobre 2004

Japon 9 Japan

Je voulais ecrire qq trucs du style : la pluie de retour, tremblement de terre niveau 4 avant hier soir (epicentre 5.8)... Mais le proprio de l'auberge vient de debouler et de me lancer un, "veux-tu venir au resort ?", je lui reponds bien sur, il me dit que l'on part dans 10 minutes et pour trois jours...
Je monte faire tout mon sac en 4eme vitesse... Le resort est a 3h de voiture a Niigata ( ), ca veut dire que ca me rapproche de moitie de Hokkaido et que je vais avoir trois jours de piscine, Onsen (source d'eau chaude)... gratuit... offert par le proprietaire. Je crois que c'est une belle occasion pour moi et qu'il ne fallait pas que je la loupe.
Donc... let's go up to the north.


I'll probably get more time to write to you again cause I was fired yesterday... I only did three nights.

The manager thought I was perfect for the job, but the big boss came just once in three nights and ask him to fire me without any explication. So that's done and I feel quite happy not to work for that kind of person (always try to see the good part of things).

In another hand, those three nights were really interesting. To see the way it goes in this kind of bar. This kind, where all the girls here try to make the client drink, the one who pays is the king. The manager, who is kind of rude man, become so gentle with a man who bought a bottle of champagne for 40.000¥...

And to see the girls smiling to you when they got the client drinking.

I was really impressed by this night life. The bar is full from am 02:00 to am 08:00. People never work or what ? In this Roppongi place nobody speaks Japanese. Even japanese people speak english only.

I don't think that I'll try to get another job. I'll probably go in few time.

See you soon.

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