mardi 26 octobre 2004

Japon 16 Japan

Nous attendions un nouveau tremblement de terre apres celui de Niigata, repercussion de tous ceux que l'on a eu a subir jusque la.Celui ci est arrive ce matin a 10h40, toujours a Niigata. Epicentre de 6,1 qd ici nous n'avons eu que du 3~4...Ca commence a etre effrayant. Le plus terrible de tout sont les images des gens ages, ayant eu a vivre de grosses pertes a cause de ca durant leur vie. Ils fondent litteralement en larme a la TV et sont appeures qd le tremblement de terre commence a secouer.Enfin bon tout va bien. Rien a deplorer dans le coin et a priori ca devrait s'arreter là.

We were waiting for a new earthquake since the one in Niigata as a repercussion of the previous ones. It was this morning at am10.40, still in Niigata. The epicenter was 6.1 and here it was only 3~4... It begins to be a little bit scary. The most terrible is the face of the oldest people at the tv who already lived big loss during their life because of that. They start crying and are completly scared when the quake begins. Anyway, everything's ok, at least for me. Nothing to deplore, and it should be the end of the quakes now.

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